Here you get some short infos about the programme-categories, contests and video arts you'll find on the International Videofestival Bochum.
// International Video Competition
The core of our festival is the international video competition. That means: Three days and nights videos from all over the world, from narrative to experimental, fictional to documentary, funny to dramatic, from loud to mute, from real to animated, from ...
// Contest for Audiovisual Performances
What has started as an experiment nine years ago is today one of the most essential points of our festival: The Contest for AV-Performances (formerly VJ-Contest). All coming VJs and their video arts are in the middle of focus of the audition abroad the dance hall. During the festival-parties you can meet the VJs within the common framework of the performance also.
// Bochum Programme
The "Bochum Programme" dues to the location of our international video festival. Here you can watch videos by people from Bochum, videos which takes place in Bochum, etc.
// Installations
VidArts in loop: Many video installations will attend the video festival at the halls and rooms at the "artistic center (MZ)". This year, as a premiere we are able to award a prize, sponsored by the IfM, to the best installation. Furthermore we offer several guided tours to our visitors.
// Parties
Our slogan "Three Days - Three Nights" is serious: At every final of the festival days starts a legendary party - obvious purified from our Vjs!
// GrandVideoSlam
Four times this year are we inviting you to the VideoSlam in Bochum. Everyone who wants can show own videos to the auditory which is also the jury of the evening. All winners of the Slams have a final round at the festival and fight for the victory at the GrandVideoSlam.
// MobileVideoContest
The recently introduced MobileVideo Contest will enrich the 21st Videofestival with new impulses, pursue the latest technical developments and make way for mobile videos to enter the programme. Thereby we aim at making towards the original video aesthetics and its conditions of production again.
// Guest Festival & Video Brunch
Every year we are inviting a guest festival from anywhere of the world - this year we are proud to present Comma Film from Manchester, England. They will have an own info point and of course show an own choice of videos at our "Video Brunch".
// Presentations + Discussions
One picture is worth ten thousand words but words about images can also be very enlightning. Plenums, talks from peers and discussions between them and the artists are a main point of our program.
// Specials
Additionally to our competitions we are showing some choices of videos with specific themes in our "specials" which pick up these themes - for example the "Animation-Special", the "Midnight-Special", and so on. These specials will be change every year - let us surprise you!