Three to four times a year the Videofestival invites amateur film-makers and videofreaks to the VIDEOSLAM - an audiovisual version of a poetry-slam.
The rules are easy: show your video and expose it to the audiences judgement. Whether it's Trash, Tragedy or Thriller - the winner of the evening will take part in the GrandVideoSlam - the main competition at the Videofestival in May.
The Slam-Dates at a glance:
Slam #01 - 20.01.2011 / 20h / Ebstein
Slam #02 - 24.02.2011 / 20h / Ebstein
Slam #03 - 17.03.2011 / 20h / Ebstein
Slam #04 - 21.04.2011 / 20h / Ebstein